Breaking the
Not Your Spring Break RumFor too long, rum has been artificially restricted to a narrow set of occasions, and largely ignored as the spirit of choice, while other categories have continued to raise the bar.

A Departure From Pirates & Plantations
For too long, rum has struggled to move beyond its complicated history, instead often settling for a narrative that feels uncomfortably restricted to old caricatures and narrow tropes around Caribbean culture.
At Ten To One, we’ve endeavored to build a brand that is “elevated but not exclusive,” grounded in authentic elements of Caribbean culture and heritage, with a narrative that is both compelling and contemporary.
Our sense of shared identity is not born out of what we wear, or even where we spend our time (and money), but a common ideal in the pursuit of our passions, and a commitment to reimagine the world around us. This is rum reimagined.
Our Name
Ten To One takes its name from a phrase by Dr. Eric Williams, Trinidad and Tobago’s legendary first Prime Minister. When rallying to preserve the first Caribbean federation of 10 countries, he famously said, “One from ten leaves zero”, reflecting the idea that we are stronger together than we are apart. The name also speaks to overcoming great odds and the “beauty in the blend.”